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Project Crush: DIY Glitter Ankle Boots

Soo... heart to heart. I think I can speak for a lot of women when I say that Pinterest is completely addictive. Seriously amazing but more often than not I find myself spending all my time pinning and not actually doing what I've pinned! Duh! It should be an oxy moron. That is where Project Crush comes in (the name is very original I know). These will be my attempts at doing exactly what Pinterest should be used for! And also to prove to my husband that pinterest isn't a complete waste of time ;)

My first project is these seriously adorable fall glitter boots that have been all over Pinterest lately.

I love them. And quite frankly would buy them if I could. By no means did my boots turn out as cute but for being nearly free, I'm pretty happy with the final product!

I was lucky to have most of the supplies on hand (boots are old F21).
Here is what you will need:

Embellishment Glue
Mod Podge
Fine & Coarse Glitter
Plastic Plate
Brushes (to paint with)

1. Tape off the areas that you are wanting to have the glitter. This step was the most time consuming but it is well worth the time spent!

2. On a plastic plate mix the glitter (both sizes) in with some of the Embelishment Glue and paint this directly onto the areas of the boot you have taped off.

3. Pour coarse glitter over the painted areas and gently pat down until the area is fully covered.

After doing these steps let you boots dry (I did it overnight).
4. Once they have dried, paint a coat of Mod Podge over the top and fix any areas that are needing more glitter!

So excited to wear my "new" fall boots!


  1. Whoa! Watch out! Fashionista comin through!!

  2. All you Pinterest things turn out! Mine always look like a 5 year old did arts and crafts!

  3. You go baby! Oh Brady, I see pinterest projects in your future :)

  4. Love this glitter DIY project. They turned out great.

    xo Ashley

  5. this is ADORABLE!!!! Such a great idea!!!
