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We have been anxiously awaiting October this year. I don't ever remember being this excited for fall! I can't decide whether it's the cooler temps or the holidays that will be here in no time. Either way, I'm so excited! I've been trying to decide what to do for our Halloween costumes this year. Every year I always put it off until the last minute, but this year I'm determined to change! We'll see what we throw together :)

I can't wait to give you girls an update on Bentley, I can't believe how long it's been! I'm a major slacker. Seriously you guys, Bentley is already 15 months and is getting so big and is doing so much, it's unreal! I'll be honest though, I'm really loving the stage that we are in right now. Bentley is talking/babbling non stop, almost walking (not sure that's a good thing), and sleeps a solid 12.5 hours at night. I mean really, how much better can it get?! 

On a typical morning I wake up around 7:30, clean up a bit and go through my e-mails before I get Bentley up and see if there are any "must have" deals. I swear, I can never get enough of these daily deals! I just found out about little jiji and was completely touched by their cause.

little jiji is run by 3 sisters who wanted to make a difference once they found out about the abandoned girl pandemic in India. You can read more about their cause {here}.

Here is what I love most about their site:

A. They offer the most darling products from your favorite vendors at amazing prices

B. Portions of all of the purchases made go directly to organizations that provide food, clothing, shelter, and educational tools to orphaned girls in India

I mean really, shopping for a cause? That's a no brainer! These girls are so clever :)

Here are a few items you can find on little jiji right now:

Yes, yes, and yes! I think we need all 3 :) Seriously, go check these girls out! You'll thank me later!


  1. I love that tiny heart necklace! And 15 months is such a fun age. I think it gets better and better each month! :)

  2. What a great cause! I love it. Also 15 months is the best age.. I am loving it too. It's flying by, but the little talking is so so cute. I don't ever want it to end.

  3. How cool! I will definitely check them out!!

  4. 15 months is SUCH a fun age! And it only gets better!!! And I'm totally checking this site out. It looks adorable!

  5. Oh so darling! I'll have to take a look :)

  6. I can't wait until Sofia is 15 months, she's almost a year and already starting to do things that blow my mind! And that necklace is beyond fab, I need it :)

    Hello Newlywed Life Blog

  7. What a sweet necklace- and sounds like a great cause! :) Happy Thursday!


  8. Sounds like a great company with great products and it's awesome it's for a good cause too.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  9. Not gonna lie! I'm sad to see these baby days end, but I am looking forward to watching Mia's personality come out even more (I don't know how that's possible when her personality is already SO BIG) and listen to her talk :)
    So, you wake Bentley up? Or he wakes up on his own?
    Definitely checking this site out! What an awesome company!

  10. Jamie! I saw your costume over on Susannah's blog and it's so cute! I love October, too. :-)

    Sarah @ Life As Always

  11. I can't believe he sleeps 12.5 hours straight! I'm very jealous by this post, my daughter sleeps 11 hours, but not w/o some soothing at least twice in the night still, 4 AM and 5 AM-painful! This looks like a great little company.
