Halloween 2012
It boggles my mind how fast time goes! It was a year ago on Halloween that we found out we were pregnant. Without a doubt one of our happiest days up to that point.
We had been trying for so long to get pregnant and look where we are now! Bentley is already 7 months. Time really just needs to slow down, we are having way too much fun with our little dude and I have a feeling it's just going to get faster and faster. I feel like I'm able to experience new things through his eyes and it really does make life
so. much. more. fun.
(and I'm not exagerating)
Just everything! Sigh.. I love having Bentley around! He's my little buddy and I am so in love with him! And it really doesn't hurt that he looks like 100% like Brady! Ah, they are twins and I love it so much. Bentley does have my fingers though ;) Which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing... my fingers are really weird and double jointed! Kinda strange.
Halloween this year was so perfect. It made it that much more fun having a baby to dress up. I swear it happens every year (and I know it too, and it still doesn't change?!?! I don't understand either) I always put our costumes off until the very last minute and sadly, this year was no different! I had seen some cute ideas for little boys being a football and decided that would be easy enough! I had a brown onsie and painted lines on it (as you can tell, it is very home made... mom fail! It looks horrible and really doesn't resemble a football haha) But, on the bright side he was still as cute as ever! And Brady and I were able to be "Sports Fans". Easy enough right!?
A couple of days before Halloween we had our ward's Trunk or Treat! Bentley's not too sure about the whole idea ;)
We were so lucky the weather was perfect the day of Halloween so we were able to go out Trick or Treating! That is one thing I know I will miss so much when we leave California, the weather is pretty perfect year round. And neither of us really like the snow so it's been so perfect for us! We went out with a big group of other dental students and walked around the neighboorhoods in South Pasadena. We got a couple of the "candy for a kid who can't eat it?" people, but for the most part everyone was excited to see a baby out and dressed up! :)
Bentley with his loot! And look at that hair. I cannot believe it was ever that long!
He looks adorable!
ReplyDeleteHi! You have an adorable family.. lovely pictures!
Great photos!
I loved his costume, he is such a cutie!!
ReplyDeleteThis is adorable and how precious is that little one!? So cute!
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head when you mentioned Halloween being more fun since baby arrived. There is no doubt that you will be enlivened again to see life through the eyes of your child. There is a renewing...a rebirth...when you become a mom. It's a beautiful journey, my friend. Soak it up! And thanks for visiting my blog! XOXO Mandi Roach