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Bentley: 4 Months

(As of 11/2/2012)

Our little dude turned 4 months on October 26th and wow, time is going way too fast! I wish I could stop time and keep him at this stage forever. Before we know it he will already be 6 months old!! One thing I am so grateful for is that we've been able to record some of our favorite moments and memories so that we can always remember them. Something that can never be replaced! We love him more than anything and he is our world. Brady and I talk a lot about how so much changes when you welcome a child into your family. The most amazing changes of course and it's so true that you never knew how much you could love until you have a child. We are taking advantage of every moment with our amazing little guy. Here are some of our favorite things about our boy! :)

The night Bentley turned 4 months we moved him to his crib! Oh my. It was a rough night for me! All I could think of was what if I can't hear him if he needs me. He seemed to be fine though and hasn't had any problems sleeping in his crib.

Bentley loves the word "Goo" and Brady's all time favorite sound ever is Bentley trying to say it back

Loves to hold my hand after I stick his binky in.

Nap time. Ughh... it's a work in progress! We put Bentley down for 2 naps a day. One at 10 and one at 2. He usually goes down pretty easily for the first one but the second is a whole different story! I usually find myself going in to replace his binky numerous times. And I try to not make eye contact or he just smiles at me and I feel bad for leaving him in there haha :) When I go into his room though and he sees me he will just kick his little legs like he is running a marathon. It is so adorable!

If I am holding him towards me he will just sit and stare at my eyes, and then brings his head down and kind of growls and tries to suck on my face. He will do it over and over like he's playing a game. It's so cute.

He hasn't quite figured out what his thumb is but he does love to suck on his two peace fingers at the same time.

Bentley can't stand the sun being on him while we are in the car. If he's screaming, sure enough there is just a small circle of light on like his hand or something. He pretty much melts down. That or starts sneezing and you know the sun is on him. Oh my, it gets me every time.
Bentley is still loving his swing and still fits (thank goodness). He's still not too sure about the play mat and it will usually only keep his attention for 10 minutes or so.

Loves to walk. If we hold him up at our knees he will walk his little way up to our shoulders and then we swing him down to the ground. He always smiles really big when we do that! Seriously this cute dude could do that for hours and be happy. Both Brady's and my arms started to get really sore so I ended up borrowing a friends play saucer in hopes that he would like it since he could walk around with it and he has loved it! He will walk himself in circles in that thing!

Bentley has some crazy messy hair and I love it! It has a mind of it's own and is just like Brady's! Brady's hair naturally goes off to the left and Bentley's goes off to the right. Bentley lost most of the hair on the left side of his head and it is now starting to grow back in! Its a light blonde/brown color that does have a hint of red. But don't tell Brady that ;)

Bentley is now getting to the point where his personality is coming through and it's been so fun to watch and see what kind of a personality he has. He is probably the most serious baby I have ever met! Most of the time he is in pretty deep concentration and very observant of what is going on around him and watching you move around the room. He is pretty stingy on his grins (especially when I try and take a picture) but when he gives them, he gives them good.

He almost always smiles when I say "Hey" or "What are you doing"

Loves Kip! Bentley loves just staring at him. In the morning I will hold him and he will try and pet him!

We got a Sophie the Giraffe toy for Bentley and every time I squeeze it, Kip comes running in. He thinks it's his toy! I think Bentley likes the fact that Sophie brings Kip to him more than he likes the actual toy :)

If we put Kip over Bentley while he is lying down on his back and set Kip's feet on his belly he just laughs and laughs. He loves it!

Bentley loves flicking his fingers back and forth on anything he can reach while I feed him.

Brady received the "sneezing gene" from his dad and Bentley is no exception! Whenever we go out into the sun Brady always sneezes and so does Bentley! It is seriously the cutest thing in the world! Like father like son :)

After bath time and while I am giving him a massage at night I sing to him I am a child of God. He is usually a little fussy but as soon as I start singing he is always really quiet and gives me cute grins and when Brady sings to him he always laughs.. Haha it's so cute!

Bentley hates when you rub his head! Especially during bath time and almost always cries.

He's very ticklish! His toes, thighs and underarms to be exact :)

At our 4th month checkup our doctor gave us the OK to start feeding Bentley rice cereal. I'm not sure why but I am so nervous to! So we haven't done it yet but I think we will soon. We're hoping that will help with him to be able to sleep longer in the night now that he is waking up much more often. 

He is getting better at being in the car. He likes to be moving though so don't be caught dead at a red light!

If he is really sleepy his little hands will shake.

Bentley can only focus on pretty much one thing at a time. If I put him in his activity saucer and I put a binky in he won't play at all with the saucer toys and just sits there in deep concentration trying to keep his binky in!

I must have spoken too soon about Bentley being such a good sleeper. About the beginning of October our sleep routine fell apart and he suddenly started waking every couple of hours through the night! It was a rough month for eating as well and and he would have these crazy nursing strikes but we are slowly getting better every day (keeping my fingers crossed). I ended up taking him to the doctor and everything seemed to be fine and did not show signs of teething yet. Instead of feeding him on a 3 hour schedule we switched to a 4 hour schedule which has been working better for the both of us lately! It's been nice to have more time in between feedings!

I had been reading so much on what possibly could have been making Bentley so fussy and making his sleep suddenly be so bad and found that apparently there is a 4 month sleep regression. Which I completely think is what happened! Also I found so much saying that when they are working on something new developmentally it can affect their eating/sleeping which completely makes sence because on November 6th Bentley started rolling over! Oh my! I could hardly believe it but he did both back to tummy and tummy to back that day. I set him on his back on his play mat and looked over and he was suddenly on his tummy! We had him on the couch doing tummy time and he rolled to his back like 4 times in a row! The past couple of days (November 13th and 14th) during nap time I have heard him crying and will go into check on him and every time he is on his tummy. Quite frankly, I'm having a hard time keeping him on his back lately! It all hapened so fast and I'm hoping that is what all of the fuss was about :)


  1. He's such a big boy! Fun to see pictures of him!

  2. He is such a cutie!! And I can't believe how quickly he passed London up in weight!
    And so exciting that he is rolling over! Watch out, it won't be long before you walk away and come back to find him on the other side of the room!
